

Twenty-nine OUWB students inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society


Twenty-nine students from 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine were inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society on Oct. 24, 2023. Those who attended the event in person were part of a group photo. (罗布·霍尔摄)

日历图标2月. 1, 2024

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


Twenty-nine students from 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine were recently inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society — bringing the total number from the school to nearly 200.

The latest inductees were from OUWB’s Class of 2024 and Class of 2025. 这是第一次在OUWB引进M3s.

AOA是一个认可学生的国际社团, 校友, and faculty who dedicate themselves to the medical profession. About 3,500 people are inducted into this society annually.

麦肯齐·施密特的父亲, M4入选者, compared the achievement of his daughter and the others to the best of the best pilots who serve in the U.S. Navy program known as TOPGUN and inspired movies of the same name.

这张图片显示了2023年AOA所有入选者的名字“This is a remarkable accomplishment,” said Michael Schmidt, M.D. “I’m a physician and to see my daughter excel like this is just incredible. I know how important AOA is…this is the top of the top…it’s 医用TOPGUN.”

学生们的成就在10月11日得到了庆祝. 在伯明翰的社区之家. 伯克利·布朗博士.D.帕梅拉·贝尼特斯(Pamela Benitez).D., AOA Delta Chapter Councilor and Secretary presented the inductees to an audience of about 100 people that included friends and families of the inductees.

Browne called it a “pleasure and privilege to be able to celebrate with you and your families all of the amazing things that you’ve achieved.”

主讲人克里斯托弗·卡彭特,m.s.D., 斯蒂芬·夏普,临时院长, OUWB, talked about the students’ finding success despite COVID-19’s impact on the world as they began medical school.

“You’ve not just persevered, but you’ve succeeded,” said Carpenter. “你很闪耀,这是非常值得骄傲的事情.”


“感觉太棒了,”他说. “I’m first generation so this feels like an incredible achievement. I’m happy and grateful to the committee, faculty, and staff who put this together.”


AOA在全美的医学院有135个分会.S. and has inducted more than 200,000 members since its founding in 1902.

More than 50 Nobel Prize winners in physiology, medicine and chemistry have been AOA members. More than 30 of those were elected to AOA prior to winning the Nobel Prize.

The AOA Delta Chapter dates to not long after OUWB welcomed its first class in 2011.

Jamie Vassel, coordinator, 学生 Affairs, OUWB, explained the process for inductees.

博士的照片. 卡彭特在AOA仪式上的讲话

主讲人克里斯托弗·卡彭特,m.s.D., 斯蒂芬·夏普,临时院长, OUWB, talked about the students’ finding success despite COVID-19’s impact on the world as they began medical school.

首先,邀请学生申请. Qualifying M4s must be in the top quartile of the class based on their first three years of medical school. For M3s, it’s the top 10% of the class and is based on the first two years of medical school. 四分位数在8月初进行. (M3s who didn’t apply or weren’t accepted for induction in 2023 can still apply in their fourth year.)

对于它们的应用, 学生被要求列出有关奖项的详细信息, 领导, 社区服务, 研究刊物及报告, 参与专业组织.

2023年,一个由11人组成的委员会审查了申请. Any identifying information was removed by Vassel from applications, 所以委员会成员不知道他们审查的是谁.

委员会成员,如M . Matthew Drogowski.D., ’19, OUWB — and a former AOA inductee — take the role seriously because of what it means to the future physicians.

“A lot of students have hard work that goes unrecognized so I think it’s great to have events like this where they can get special recognition,他说. “此外,我们医学工作者试图成为谦虚的人. We like to celebrate accomplishments, but don’t always like to tout them. This is one of those times when you feel OK about celebrating those accomplishments.”


活动快结束的时候, Benitez reminded inductees that being a member of AOA means much more than a CV highlight.

“What you’ve done to deserve this means you’ve done a lot more, 你为你的社区做出了很多贡献,”她说。. “And that, to me, is so important as you move forward in your careers.”

“The qualities that embody an AOA physician will not only help that physician, 还有他或她的同事, ()确定, 创建, 成为医学的新未来,她补充道。.


M3 Erin Mueller’s mother and grandmother came from Florida to the event. 两人都表达了极大的自豪.

“I’m real happy and proud to be here to support my daughter who is working super hard,斯蒂芬妮·穆勒说。, 艾琳的母亲. “She’s dedicated her life to this education and whenever she has down time, she is volunteering.”


M3 Amanda Bachand说:“我甚至不知道从哪里开始。. “这是一个意想不到的荣誉,但真的很谦卑.”

M4 Jenny Nguyen said the induction meant a lot to her, too.

“Immigrating here as first gen and coming from a low-income family, there are a lot of obstacles that I felt like I had to go through,”她说。. “To me, AOA means a lot of hard work and it also means gratitude because of my background.”

M4 Daniel Fortney called it “really special” to be in the company of “incredible classmates.”

He and others said they appreciated being recognized by OUWB at the special event.

“There are a lot of people in this classroom who have worked hard and are continuing to do so…I appreciated recognition for all of the incredible accomplishments and I’m sure the other students do as well,福特尼说。.

M4 Konstantinos Koustas也表达了类似的观点.

“这次活动对我们意义重大,”他说. “We started during the pandemic and were kind of disconnected. 很高兴能庆祝我们一起做过的事.”


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